Flowering Plant Bulbs For Sale in The Minneapolis/St. Paul Metro
Fall planting brings Spring color! The time of year to purchase and plant flowering plant bulbs in Minnesota is typically around mid-September to mid-October before the ground freezes.
Common Bulbs We Sell At Wagners
- Tulips: Single, Double, Fringed, Lily-flowering or Parrots
- Daffodils
- Hyacinths
- Crocus
- Allium
- and more!
Bulb Planting Care Tips For MN
Tulips & Daffodils grow best in full sun in well-prepared soil with fast drainage. Avoid planting where water collects or in locations that are prone to late frosts. As a general guide, plant in September or early October. The rule is to plant the pointed end up in a hole that is deep 3 times the height of the bulb: For tulips that is 6 inches, for Daffodils 8 inches deep. When planting a grouping, take the extra care to plant at exactly the same depth; this ensures that they all will bloom at the same time. With a shovel, excavate soil to create a level-planting base. Sprinkle bulb fertilizer or bone meal, set bulbs into the bed, and then cover with excavated soil. Tap the soil down so it looks undisturbed, so squirrels leave the bulbs alone. Chicken wire can also be placed on top of the bulbs for a more severe squirrel problem. They will grow through the wire in the spring.
When planting a lot of bulbs, dig large trenches instead of individual holes. Line up the bulbs in the bottom of the trench, and then fill it in with soil. There are many helpful tools specifically designed for planting bulbs. Some make perfect holes by removing small cylinders of soil.
Advanced Bulb Care
Firm the soil and water thoroughly after planting. Don’t water again until leaves appear. In cold-winter areas (zones 3 through 6), apply straw mulch about a month after planting. This gives the bulbs time to begin growth before the soil freezes solidly. The mulch also protects the bulbs if snow cover is light or nonexistent.
Fertilizing Your Bulbs
Use Bone Meal or a low-nitrogen granular fertilizer specially formulated for bulbs, and follow label directions about the amount to apply. This should be done at the time the bulbs are planted or after flowering in the spring.
Indoor Forcing
Bulbs can be tricked, or forced, into flowering indoors. The bulbs must be potted into pots with drainage and good potting soil. A 6” pot holding 5-6 bulbs (which are not touching each other or the sides of the pot) is recommended. Place the pot in a refrigerator (without fruit) at 40º for 10-16 weeks then place it in a warm place and wait for the blooms. Look for varieties marked as good for forcing.
Stop in today at one of our garden centers or browse our bulb selection in our online store.