You have probably heard that the bees have been disappearing. About one third of the honey bee population has been missing. This is critical to the pollination of our edible crops. Unless you are allergic to bee stings, bee keeping is becoming a popular hobby that benefits all. It doesn’t cost much, except for the basic equipment, a little bit of bee knowledge and a lot of enthusiasm. You will be helping this little insect that is in a crisis. One third of all the food we eat is pollinated by honey bees. There are ways that we can help by becoming “hobby beekeepers”.
There is a local “Minnesota Hobby Beekeepers Association” that offers classes, speakers, demonstrations. They are associated with the University of Minnesota which enables them to learn from the experts and become better beekeepers.
You can help by planting things that bees like, providing a bee habitat, and supporting local beekeepers! You will be happy you took an interest and developed a new hobby for the whole family!
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