I just can’t wait for that first fresh tomato from the garden; nothing tastes better. Reminds me of Grandma’s garden and how proud she was of all the produce that she grew.
Today, even with limited space, you can still grow veggies of your own in a container on your deck or patio. A tomato plant typically needs a 12” or 14” container, and that includes space to plant some lettuce or radishes around the rim. Basil or oregano are also a good addition, and their flavors will blend nicely with your tomatoes.
Red or green peppers do well in containers too. Soon you will have a whole salad on your deck, ready for the picking.
I read an interesting study by Ya’acov Leshem, a plant physiology professor at Bar Ilan University in Israel. He discovered that by dissolving a small amount of Viagra in plant water could extend the life of cut flowers. Of course widespread use of this practice is very unlikely, because how would you explain that to your doctor!
Maybe this idea would be a little easier. Professors in Montana have applied buttermilk powder to tomato and onion crops and found a substantial increase in production. Maybe our tomatoes and onions could receive more vitamins with that idea this season!
Summer is here! So remember the slogan: Don’t just sit there, plant something!
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