It is both rewarding and entertaining to watch birds at your feeders and the kids will love it, too! Besides providing food for the birds, some shelter and protection is another great way to help get them through the long, cold winter months. Instead of throwing your Christmas tree in the compost bin, stake or tie it to a post or tree. Then decorate it with bird treats, like pine cones filled with peanut butter or strings of popcorn, cranberries or raisins. The kids will have a ball decorating the tree for their fine feathered friends! Have them keep a journal of what birds take advantage of the treats. They could report their findings to FeederWatch.org and help scientists track winter bird populations.
Conventional feeders should be filled with high energy foods for the winter such as suet and sunflower seeds. You should be consistent in your feeding schedule so the birds will become familiar with your feeder and visit often.
Birds need water as well as food. Warming a brick in your oven and putting it in the birdbath at the same hour each day will also keep the water liquid for a while. The birds will soon know what time you put the hot brick in the water and pay you a friendly visit. Don’t forget to clean your bird bath regularly.
Remember that at Wagners you can buy a birdfeeder and get 5 lbs of bird seed FREE!
P.S. We wish you a Happy, Healthy New Year! Enjoy!
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