Houseplants can be a focal point of a room or simply bring a little of the outdoors indoors. Heloise says, “They make your home inviting while adding color with something green, which is calming.” This is the time of year to plan your selection. It could be a colorful bromeliad, elegant orchid, stately palm, peace lily, or countless other selections. Cacti and the very popular succulents are perhaps the easiest to care for and grow for long periods without water which are great selection for you travelers! All houseplants beautify the home and enhance the atmosphere.
I just read about a century plant in England that grew through the greenhouse roof and bloomed. The owners had purchased the plant in 1968 and this was the first time it bloomed. That is not unusual for that kind of plant. In fact, they had not expected it to bloom in their lifetime! What a nice surprise! Visit us and see all the selections for you to enjoy indoors this winter.
Fun fact: Did you know that bumblebees assess pollen quality by petal color and shape? They don’t just move mindlessly from one flower to another, but actually spot flowers that give good quality nectar before they land. How smart is that?