Most of the leaves have fallen by now, and it’s about time we start adding a little green to our inner space. Fairy Gardens are a great way to express your creativity and imagination indoors. Using small, delicate plants and interesting accent pieces, you can create your own indoor wonderland to enjoy during the autumn and winter months.
Some people like to select a fairy statue for their garden, and others like to design a garden that a fairy would like to stay in.
Your options are limitless when it comes to setting up your Fairy Garden. You can use a series of small pots in a row, a windowsill, a larger terra cotta container – you can even use a bird bath!
For your plants, herbs work very well. Add a little rosemary or parsley to form delightful little trees, and use small colored stones to create a path. Small plants such as succulents, cacti and air plants can make a nice addition.
Little birdhouses make quaint decorative abodes for fairy inhabitants, and miniature gnomes can add character. Miniature doll furniture is great if you’d like to create a charming outdoor patio. A small rock can make a nice addition as well.
These gardens take on more meaning when you portray happy memories from your own childhood or those of your children. It is a great family project, and you can even incorporate mementos from special events or trips.
Visit our Fairy Garden display and browse our selection of props and plants to get started on a Fairy Garden of your own. Ask our friendly staff for help or for more great ideas.
Happy planting and look out for fairies!
P.S.– Remember that Santa Day is Saturday, December 1, 2012, at our Penn and Hugo locations. Stop in and get your free picture with Santa!