Here is a new word for you – “biophilia.” It means that we have an innate bond with living things and nature. Being gardeners, I guess that’s something we already knew about ourselves, but now we have a name for it.
Nonetheless, our leafy little pals have a lot going on. In fact, the benefits of plants can be broken down into the 3 V’s. Plants are Vital to our health, from their nutritional values to the natural oxygen they produce for our clean air. In Vogue because they give us a feeling of well being and can instantly make any indoor or outdoor space more glamorous. Lastly, plants Voyage far and wide from all corners of the earth to make their way into our homes and gardens. Ever think about how far orchids had to travel to get to Minnesota? They’d need a passport for starters, and, if they’re lucky, a direct flight to MSP.
It’s no wonder why people from all over cultivate the “good life” by tapping into the power of plants by keeping them in their homes all year round. Houseplants have a modern niche in interior decorating and can get us through these grey winter months. Decorators and magazines are saying that houseplants are becoming a chic way to liven up your home in 2012 – which is no surprise to us.
If you really want to bring your garden indoors, you need to checkout vertical green gardens. Instead of painting or hanging frames on your walls, you can decorate with living plants just about anywhere in your home. They make great conversation pieces, and when winter is over with, you can bring them outside! We have a vertical green garden on display now at Wagners, so stop by and check it out!
All the best!