Here we are in July and finally some warm weather. Of course with all this sun, now is when your gardens need a boost of fertilizer to push them to perform to their best ability. I find the hose-end Miracle Grow applicator is the most convenient for me, but choose your own method. Whatever suits your style and the plants you are feeding.
A good mulch is also ideal to conserve moisture and help control weeds. There are several choices including cocoa beans, cypress, peat, and more. Choose what is best for you and your plants. From July 11 to 17, 2011 there is a coupon for $2 off a bag of mulch at Wagners. Go to our Facebook page and check it out!
I just read about “Shop for your Health.” Isn’t that a great idea? A recent study by the Journal of Community Health reports that frequent shopping may extend your longevity. Halleluiah!!! Participants in the study who shopped every day lessened the risk of death by 27% compared to those least frequent shoppers. This applies to both men and women. Who knew just shopping for flowers, veggies and plants was so good for your health? According to that, I should have a long life! How about you?
Enjoy that sunshine!
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