Spring weather is taking its sweet time to arrive this year. I’m looking at it as more time to think, dream and plan this year’s gardens. We are all anxious to get outdoors to enjoy some warm weather. When it comes to planting during the spring the key is to be “patient”. Wait for the soil to warm up and plant at the right time. Pansies are the best flower for early spring when night temps are around freezing. When the garden soil thaws and warms up a bit you can plant the cool weather vegetables such as radish, lettuce and peas to name a few. Then patiently wait for the soil temps to warm up before you plant warm weather vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. This year those warm season veggies may have to wait until mid-May or after, so just be patient. Also, don’t forget to try growing something new this year.
Here’s an idea that I recently read. Fertilize your garden using egg shells. After using the eggs wash the inside of the shells removing the inner membrane and allow to dry. Once dry, boil for about 10 min and crush the shells. Sprinkle the ground shells on the garden soil and work in. This is a source of calcium for the soil and reduces soil acidity. This sounds like a good excuse for a big Sunday Brunch!
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